Méthode étonnante par laquelle la masturbation peut aider à guérir le phimosis.

Amazing method by which masturbation can help cure phimosis.

Research conducted in 1991 by Michel Beauge observed that masturbation can help cure phimosis if masturbation is performed using correct technique. Michel Beauge observed that men with phimosis tend to avoid stretching the taut part of the foreskin when masturbating. This tight part of the foreskin is called the phimotic band. This is the area of ​​focus of this article.

Michel Beauge wrote that all of his patients aged 18 to 22 were able to cure their tightness themselves by adjusting the way they masturbated to apply more tension to the tight area.

He also noted that applying more tension to the tight part of the foreskin while masturbating better simulated intercourse, which helped prepare men to have sex successfully unlike how they previously masturbated .

Masturbating can help cure phimosis, but how exactly?

&Quot;An Effective Method For Treating Phimosis: Masturbation Techniques And Tips&Quot; “The Masturbation Method: A Natural Approach To Resolving Phimosis”

When you masturbate (if you do), keep your grip on the tightest part of your foreskin. Use little force to slide down this tight phimotic band. Remember to use force with caution, this could lead to paraphimosis, you don't want this to happen to you.

Although masturbation helps, it is still not the safest way to cure phimosis. There is always a risk of paraphimosis. One strong push and you're stuck with phimosis, and believe me, you wouldn't want that.

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